Katanaman Free
Katanaman Free Android App
Additional Information
Category : | Music And Audio |
Current Version : 8.7-free
Developer : EatonPlan
Developer Email : [email protected]
Installs : 5,000+
Required Android Version : 5.0 and up
Reviews : 41
Score : ★ 4.2
Size : 920k
Updated : June 29, 2020
Available on : GooglePlay

Android Application Katanaman Free is available on GooglePlay Application Store ❤️. Katanaman Free app that has 5,000+ installed on smartphone in the world, with average rating 4.2 ★. To install Katanaman Free app version 8.7-free, you should have requirement minimum space and 5.0 and up Android Version. Katanaman Free App was created by EatonPlan. Mobile Developer in Music And Audio Categories.

Content Rating of Katanaman Free App - Everyone, you should know that if Android Application is gonna be used by children. Warning, that software could have Ads and Paid Content, but we assure you that Katanaman Free au.eatonplan.katanaman.free.apk is Safe for 100% and AdFree. If You Want To Download Katanaman Free for your device Android system, you should do easy instruction. You need go to the Settings menu & allow the permission needed. After that, you could calmly download files, and confidently install it on your smartphone ❤️.

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The description of Katanaman Free App

Note: Now supports MkII amps and Series 1 firmware 4

KatanaMan connects to your Boss Katana guitar amplifier via a USB cable. It allows direct control of most of the amp’s extensive features. Amp models, boost types, effects devices as well as basic amp controls can be selected and set from your device (phone or tablet) to create your desired tone.

Tones can be saved on your device as ‘patches’ for later use, and subsequently re-loaded into the amp with ease. The number of patches that can be saved on your device is limited only by the available storage.

Katana amplifier settings can be ‘tweaked’ and saved ‘on the fly’ making KatanaMan an ideal tool for the home guitarist, as well as practice sessions, studio work, on-stage performances etc.

KatanaMan Free - has access restricted to only a limited number of supported boost types and effects, and many features are disabled.

This version is intended to allow the connectivity between Android device and Katana amplifier to be tested prior to purchasing the fully featured version KatanaMan Pro

(See below for instructions on connecting to your amp) .

Connection Requirements
In order to connect your phone or tablet to your Katana amplifier you will require:
- A Katana 100 amplifier (Katana 50 will also work but some features may not be available)
- A USB cable suited to your amplifier. See your amp’s documentation for details.
- An OTG cable adapter (assuming that your phone / tablet has a mini USB socket)
- Your Android device must support OTG / ‘Host Mode’

Not all Android devices are capable of talking to the Katana amplifier.

KatanaMan Pro
Please consider buying the KatanaMan Pro version to take advantage of the full set of features, including :
- full suite of effects, boost, delay and reverb types
- chain EQ and global EQ
- system settings including Send / Return config, Cabinet Resonance etc
- Pedal Fx (Wah, Wah95E, Bend)
- amp channel management
- ability to load TSL patch files

Tips For Connecting to your Katana amplifier:
1.Ensure that your OTG cable adapter works with your device. Using the OTG adapter, connect a USB memory stick to your device and ensure that it is recognised by Android, and that you can view the contents (eg using a ‘file manager’ app).
2.Download and install KatanaMan.
3.Ensure that KatanaMan is not running - ie not simply ‘minimised’, but stopped using the ’X’ icon in the top right of the app window. (If in doubt - re-start your device).
4.Connect the Katana amp to your device, using the appropriate cable (and OTG adapter if required), and turn the amp on.
5.Wait for a few seconds.
6.Android should prompt you as to what you want to happen with the USB connection. Choose to load KatanaMan, and select this as the default option if given the opportunity.
7.KatanaMan should then load and automatically connect to the amplifier. This usually occurs within 20 seconds. You will know when the connection is successful as the sliders on the amp view in the app will jump up from the 0 position to represent whatever the current knob positions are on your amp.
8.After this, KatanaMan should automatically load and connect each time you plug in the cable from the amp.
9.If you load a different version of KatanaMan onto your device, be sure to uninstall the old version first. Otherwise, the old version may continue to be loaded when the cable is plugged in.